So, what is Dare To Be Authentic Radio you ask? I had not heard of it either until the host of the show, Mari Mitchell, asked me to participate.
Dare To Be Authentic Radio
Dare To Be Authentic Radio offers weekly interviews with many leaders who boldly share how authenticity has enhanced their life. Well, shaving my head was bold and you can’t get more authentic than that when it’s for lice. The purpose of the show is to inspire and encourage others.
My show, Saving Lives To Saving Scalps aired on July 16, 2019 and you can listen and share that link repeatedly. Finding a way to prevent a lice invasion from happening to the heads of all families seems inspiring to me. In fact, it’s my biggest nursing assignment yet.
Inspiring Others
Having the opportunity to be interviewed on the air in a fun and playful way, inspired me to be on the show. By the same token, while spreading the news about Grace’s NitFlix® A-Way With Lice®, I can inspire people to use NitFlix to cross off, fear of lice, from their list.
It’s a daunting task when you think about it. Over a million year old human issue effectively laid to rest. You can learn more about the use of the history of lice to determine the history of man in my previous blog post.
Use Your Own Life Experiences
While making the decision to be on the show, I was looking at the other guests Mari hosted. The guest list includes coaches, teachers, authors and therapists. In addition, the others who have joined in the conversation are mentors, healers, doctors, spiritual teachers and now a registered nurse.
To sum up, one common thread we all share, our life experiences are used to follow our heart. Happy listening!
As always, I welcome your comments.