Thoughts and news from Grace.

Gifts that Make a Difference – Not Thrown Out a Month Later

Dec 7, 2020 | News

When it comes to gifts that make a difference; don’t ignore smaller items as this can make a huge difference. For instance, how many times do you receive something and either put it away or never use it or even re-gift something? Meanwhile, you may even throw it away or donate it.

Gifts that Make a Difference

Since so many people have things they already need; why not surprise them with essential items they wouldn’t think of buying themselves? Moreover, when you give a present that helps someone; you are providing them with a great solution to solve an issue.

Of course, most people want things that help them lead a healthier and better life. At the same time, NitFlix is a gift that not only will give you a clean head of hair; but more importantly, NifFlix will help prevent head lice.

Because everyone is so busy this time of the year with shopping, cleaning, cooking, and entertaining; no one wants to have a surprise visit from pesky critters.

Practical Gifts that Make a Difference

Although you may not think of giving something essential to someone; it’s time to change your mindset. Since head lice are something that can enter your home anytime; having NitFlix Shampoo and Conditioner as part of your everyday beauty routine is essential.

In fact, not only is NitFlix a preventative maintenance product to use regularly; but it will also provide your hair with a healthy clean feeling without harmful chemicals and pesticides. Because our products are sulfate-free; you may want to shampoo twice to provide a lather. After shampooing your hair; apply NitFlix Conditioner.

To learn more about what makes our products different than our competitors; be sure to visit our What Separates Us From Our Competitors – NitFlix post.

NItFlix Holiday Promotional Code

So, next time you are looking for a gift that will make a difference; be sure to check out NitFlix and see why this product will help keep giving back in ways to keep you and your family’s hair safe from a lice invasion.

Our Holiday Promotional Code is as follows:

Use END2020 – Holiday discount 20% off from December 7, 2020 – December 25, 2020. Our regular price is usually $44.95 for the set and with our 20% off – the price is $35.96

Take advantage of our special offer and give this to everyone on your gift list.


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