Thoughts and news from Grace.
Grace’s Secret Lice Weapons

Grace’s Secret Lice Weapons

Are you ready to learn about Grace's secret lice weapons? When it comes to my story, I have a lot of information to share with you. So, are you ready to get started with eradicating these pesky critters from your life? Grace's Secret Lice Weapons In the first place,...

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Never Dealt With Head Lice

Never Dealt With Head Lice

If you never dealt with head lice before; you may not know what to do if you or one of your children suddenly has lice. Since not everyone has symptoms that are detectable; there are things you should know. Often, it takes a few weeks before these critters appear....

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Head Scratching Lice Solution

Head Scratching Lice Solution

When it comes to the best head scratching lice solution, it is always essential to use a natural product versus something with chemicals. At the same time, chemicals can cause as many issues as the critters themselves; and you could end up having a bigger problem on...

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Spring Lice Cleaning Prevention

Spring Lice Cleaning Prevention

Are you ready for Spring lice cleaning prevention tips? With many people home or working remotely during the social distancing requirements in our country; it is important to take the time to clean your home as well as your head. Spring Lice Cleaning Steps When it...

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World Book Day April 23

World Book Day April 23

World book day is today! Because the majority of people are stuck at home, now is a good time to pick up a few books. So, over one hundred countries observe this day. In 1995, Unesco decided this would be a great day to celebrate; since it's also the death anniversary...

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Lice Infestation Stages

Lice Infestation Stages

First and foremost, to have a lice infestation; there must be the detection of a living louse. So, if you don't know what a living louse is; detection can sometimes be tricky. Lice Infestation Stages When it comes to head lice, there are a few important things you...

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Coronavirus Doesn’t Stop Lice

Coronavirus Doesn’t Stop Lice

Coronavirus doesn't stop lice. So, you may be home scratching your head and wondering why you have these pesky bugs. Not only are you worried about the covid-19, but now you're dealing with bugs. Don't fret as I have you covered. Cornovarus Doesn't Stop Lice In the...

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National Write Your Story Day

National Write Your Story Day

National Write Your Story Day is today. Indeed, everyone has a story. So, today is the day to take a pen to paper and begin creating your own article, post or novel. National Write Your Story Day's History Notably, this day was founded by Mitzy who is an Author,...

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National Barbie Day

National Barbie Day

Did you know today is the birthday for Barbie? Of course, any young girl who had head lice growing up may remember an encounter. Or, perhaps you're presently dealing with this. Well, if you are; don't fret. NitFlix will eliminate and eradicate these nits and lice -...

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Fight Super Lice Tips

Fight Super Lice Tips

Are you ready to fight super lice? Although you never heard of this; there are things you should know. Since many head lice are resistant to certain things; you should not fret. Be sure to read my Parent's Lice Survival Guide post where you will find everything you...

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