Thoughts and news from Grace.

American Camp Association Tri State

Apr 12, 2019 | News

American Camp Association Tri State conference recently took place. So, every year this camp conference is held in March to kick-off the Summer camp season.

American Camp Association

First and foremost, this conference is one of the largest meetings for camping professionals worldwide. At the same time – over 3000 individuals come together to participate in over 160 educational seminars.

The logo associated on the camp website means a lot. When you see this logo, you can be assured that the camp you are entrusting your children to, are well equipped in caring for them. Indeed, the emotional growth of your children are in good hands with the ACA.

After doing a great deal of research, I learnt most of the people involved in this camp are educators and campers themselves.

To get involved in the accreditation; there is a rigorous process. Since I have a medical background; I was familiar with the whole process of what hospitals and medical facilities have to go through to ensure that everything is compliant.

A-Way With Lice – American Camp Association

In 2018, A-Way With Lice had their first opportunity to support this wonderful event last year. Moreover, we had some excitement in dealing with a fluke snowstorm during this event.

Indeed, it is heartwarming to see how many adults invest so much time for the benefit of the children they serve. This is near and  dear to my heart, since my husband has been a teacher for over 35 years. My Husband has taught full circle – middle school, high school and elementary.

One of the reasons I was excited to be involved was anytime kids attend camp; the first thing done is lice checks. My booth was set to up let camp professionals know about our products.  A-Way With Lice is altering the conversation, “Lice is a way of life”  and lice is preventable.

American Camp Association Tri State

When parents order NitFlix – they will be protected. To read more about NifFlix; be sure to visit our NitFlix Product Recommendation post.

We’re on a mission to let camp professional know of the importance of our product. Now many of the camps are hoping to add this into their shower dispenser. By helping camps eliminate lice; takes away time and money spent from parents. No doubt, parents don’t want to be charged $250.00 for lice removal.

Of course – no one wants to ever deal with lice again. We get it – This is the exact reason we asked in the first place and created NitFlix.

As always, I welcome your comments.


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