Thoughts and news from Grace.

Camps are Reinventing Themselves

Sep 15, 2020 | News, NitFlix

Camps are reinventing themselves this Fall. After a trying season for many of the camps; they are doing what they can to allow kids the opportunity to develop socially.

Camps are Reinventing Themselves this Fall

Due to Covid-19, many camps were on pause or limited on what they could do in the Summer months.

Although some schools are back in session and some schools are still having remote learning; some camps are coming up with new ways to operate.

For instance, Crestwood camp on Long Island, New York was able to host campers all Summer while putting in special COVID guidelines. In fact, in 2 months, they didn’t have one case of the coronavirus.

Moreover, Crestwood kept 15 kids in a group. So, the counselors had to follow strict social distancing requirements, or else they would be terminated.

Fall Camp

At the same time, camps are working to help kids not only complete their school work; but they are offering kids the opportunity from September 12th – October 25th to learn new skills and grow as individuals.

With North Star’s Fall Camp; they are planning to use many of the cabins as classrooms. In addition, they will have one counselor for every 5 kids. Whereas, by having small groups; this is giving the kids the chance to learn and develop new skills in a fun and safe environment.

When sending your kids to camp; be sure to visit our Overnight Camp Season post for some tips on what to pack. In addition to these items; your kids need warmer clothes, a laptop, chargers, and a cell phone.

Also, don’t forget to pack NitFlix to prevent any encounters with lice. To read more about what your kids need for the new school year; be sure to check out our Back to School Medicine Must Have post.


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