Thoughts and news from Grace.

Summer Lice Camp Prevention

Jun 10, 2020 | News, NitFlix

Today, I have some Summer lice camp prevention tips to share. Due to COVID-19, many camps have had to cancel their season. Be sure to visit my Summer Camps Uncertainty post to learn more about whether or not the camps will reopen.

Summer Lice Camp Prevention

Since not all camps are closed for the season; it is important that your family takes precaution to avoid getting a phone call. With the majority of camps screening kids from the minute they arrive; it’s smart to be one step ahead.

Indeed, kids are near kids all day long. Meanwhile, kids share towels, clothes, and have pillow fights. Moreover, being so close makes it easy for lice to crawl from one head to another. Of course, it only takes one kid for a problem to begin.

What to do if your kids see Lice

Whether your kid sees lice on someone else or themselves; of course, it is possible that many campers have been infested. If this occurs, it is important to notify a camp counselor or nurse.

If lice are left untreated, they easily can lay hundreds of nits (eggs) as the more nits that are laid; the wider spread – this problem becomes.

How to Treat Lice Before Camp

So, before you head to camp; be smart. Make sure your family uses NitFlix and has this as part of their everyday beauty routine.

In essence, no kid or parent wants to have to worry about having to remove their kid or kids from camp. At the same time, make sure you’re diligent to prevent a lice-free Summer. Be preventive!

In summary, make sure you pack NitFlix so your kids can use this regularly to shampoo and condition their hair.

Heads up!

As always, I welcome your comments on what Summer Camp Lice prevention steps you have taken.


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