Thoughts and news from Grace.

Summer Camps Uncertainty

May 4, 2020 | News

With everything going on in regards to COVID-19, summer camps’ uncertainty is well – “Up in the Air”. So, the question remains; will camp reopen this season?

COVID-19 Impact

Because camp usually runs from late June until August; many kids and parents are up in the air. Indeed, everyone wants everyone to be healthy. And, of course, families are hoping their kids will be able to attend camp.

Since most schools have been closed since March, and social distancing rules are in place; how will camps deal with this if they reopen? Will there be smaller groups?

Summer Camps Uncertainty

With families and kids on lockdown for the last few months; most kids are hoping to have the social experience that camps provide. Of course, camps are the one place where our youth can have a wonderful social experience. However, this year’s guidelines on social distancing have impacted lives everywhere.

In essence, many camps are worried. Moreover, there are costs associated with having summer camps. Can the season be shortened?

Are Camps Essential Businesses

Due to many families needing care for their kids; there are positive signs that many camps will open this Summertime. When the restrictions are lifted, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention will be releasing guidelines so camps will know what they have to do.

In the meantime, kids will go crazy with a continued quarantine. Our youth must have the opportunity to explore things and take chances.

Many parents still want their kids to have a camp experience. Let’s get back to some type of normalcy.

With many camps worried about costs associated with keeping everyone safe; many camps need donations to help them survive. Your donation will help pay for things associated with things such as fees, lease space, staff, and site maintenance.

Eventually, camps will reopen and your donation is essential for these camps to survive long-term.

Grace’s NitFlix has a healthy solution for this issue. Because lice are prevalent everywhere; I will put my link on any camp’s website, and a percentage of all sales will be donated to the camp. Of course, this will help everyone as once kids get together again; there will be a huge outbreak of these pesky critters.

So, everyone wins! The camps will receive a proceed of sales and kids will not have lice. Your gift will help shape the lives of many families and their kids.

In summary, many summer camps are already putting out things virtually to keep campers busy while they’re at home.

So, let’s help camps everywhere stay open.

As always, I welcome your comments.


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