Are you ready to learn about Grace's secret lice weapons? When it comes to my story, I have a lot of information to share with you. So, are you ready to get started with eradicating these pesky critters from your life? Grace's Secret Lice Weapons In the first place,...
Summer Lice Camp Prevention
Today, I have some Summer lice camp prevention tips to share. Due to COVID-19, many camps have had to cancel their season. Be sure to visit my Summer Camps Uncertainty post to learn more about whether or not the camps will reopen. Summer Lice Camp Prevention Since not...
Lice Infestation Stages
First and foremost, to have a lice infestation; there must be the detection of a living louse. So, if you don't know what a living louse is; detection can sometimes be tricky. Lice Infestation Stages When it comes to head lice, there are a few important things you...
Coronavirus Doesn’t Stop Lice
Coronavirus doesn't stop lice. So, you may be home scratching your head and wondering why you have these pesky bugs. Not only are you worried about the covid-19, but now you're dealing with bugs. Don't fret as I have you covered. Cornovarus Doesn't Stop Lice In the...
Important Head Lice Facts
There are important head lice facts that everyone needs to know. Whether or not you have children, you must be aware of the facts. What are Lice So, if you're not familiar with lice; they are tiny wingless insects that live on an individual's scalp and feed on their...
Parents Lice Survival Guide
Of course, a parents lice survival guide is essential. When you have children; what will you do when these buggers enter your home? No matter how clean your home is; it is important to realize these pesky bugs can be anywhere. Be sure to visit my House Cleaning Lice...
Selfies May Come With Lice
Selfies may come with lice. So, if you are wondering what this means; read my post below. Indeed, we had a blast with Alan Eschenburg and Cheryl Honc from Belegenza at the Emmy’s.
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