Thoughts and news from Grace.
Head Lice Prevention for Kids

Head Lice Prevention for Kids

So, let's take a look at head lice prevention for kids. Since schools are reopening across the country and kids are going to be together in a lot of social settings; there are steps you need to take to prevent lice from making an appearance in you or your family's...

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Lice Can Swim

Lice Can Swim

Did you know lice can swim? Since these pesky critters hold onto hair tightly; they survive on your scalp until treated properly. Whether your kids are in the ocean or the pool; lice survive in the water. Lice can Swim Since lice don't jump, they do crawl....

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Will Lice Repellent Shampoo Prevent Lice

Will Lice Repellent Shampoo Prevent Lice

When it comes to nits; will lice repellent shampoo help prevent these pesky bugs from circulating? Whether your kids come home from an activity, play date, camp, or school; it's always a concern when your child has head lice. So, now you don't know what to do. Well,...

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Summer Season Head Lice Prevention Tips

Summer Season Head Lice Prevention Tips

With the Summer season here, the following head lice prevention tips are important. Whether your kids attend camp or are having a sleepover; it's time to be prepared for head lice. At the same time, it only takes one kid for head lice to become a problem at camp, or...

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Never Dealt With Head Lice

Never Dealt With Head Lice

If you never dealt with head lice before; you may not know what to do if you or one of your children suddenly has lice. Since not everyone has symptoms that are detectable; there are things you should know. Often, it takes a few weeks before these critters appear....

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Lice Infestation Stages

Lice Infestation Stages

First and foremost, to have a lice infestation; there must be the detection of a living louse. So, if you don't know what a living louse is; detection can sometimes be tricky. Lice Infestation Stages When it comes to head lice, there are a few important things you...

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Fight Super Lice Tips

Fight Super Lice Tips

Are you ready to fight super lice? Although you never heard of this; there are things you should know. Since many head lice are resistant to certain things; you should not fret. Be sure to read my Parent's Lice Survival Guide post where you will find everything you...

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Head Lice Health Risk

Head Lice Health Risk

When it comes to head lice, everyone gets worried. Although many people associate lice with cleanliness and bad hygiene, that couldn't be further from the truth. In the first place, lice affects millions of kids and adults every year. Head Lice Health Risk Although...

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