Thoughts and news from Grace.
Grace’s NitFlix Story April 2019

Grace’s NitFlix Story April 2019

First and foremost, I’m here to share my story of how I came up with Grace’s NitFlix. Of course, head lice can impact anyone. At the same time, head lice infestation is one of the most common problems and is a very common problem in children worldwide. Not only is it a problem for children; […]

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Amazing Bird Talking To Dog While He Eats

Amazing Bird Talking To Dog While He Eats

Amazing bird talking to dog. Ultimately –  Love knows no bounds and unfortunately so does lice. No doubt, our dog – Bart is an extraordinary dog and seeing the interaction between the bird and dog is hilarious.

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Senseless Lice Toddler Death

Senseless Lice Toddler Death

Recently, a senseless lice toddler death article I read posted on CBS News was quite disturbing. When you read about a toddler dying over a lice treatment, makes me realize the enormity of getting our message out.

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Selfies May Come With Lice

Selfies May Come With Lice

Selfies may come with lice. So, if you are wondering what this means; read my post below. Indeed, we had a blast with Alan Eschenburg and Cheryl Honc from Belegenza at the Emmy’s.

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