Start the New Year with my clean head tips. With the holiday season in the rear view mirror; now is the time to start the year off fresh. So, are you ready for tips and tricks to eliminate these pesky bugs?
New Year Clean Head Tips
With your kids back in school after the Winter break; what happens if you receive a phone call from your kids school? Indeed, panic sets in.
- First, thing you want to do is make sure you remain calm.
- Second, make sure you use NitFlix shampoo and conditioner.
- When there is an outbreak of lice; I recommend using my NitFlix Shampoo and Conditioner daily.
Like anything, it is good to have preventive measures in place to prevent these types of outbreaks. Be sure to read my Preventive Maintenance post where you will find helpful hints.
When you experience an issue of lice with any family member in your home; take precaution. At the same time, make sure you wash all towels, wash cloths, bedding and linens.
Preventing Head Lice
In the first place, everyone has different methods of preventing lice. And, some people aren’t aware of what to do until it happens to them. However, if you implement a few of these tips and tricks in your home; you won’t have this problem arise EVER.
- If your child has long hair, make sure you keep their hair clean.
- Another tip for any kid with long hair is to use ponytail accessories.
- Make sure you let your children know not to share any of their personal belongings such as combs, barrettes and pillows with other kids.
- When you use any type of home remedy product; make sure the products you use don’t contain parabens.
Moreover, the key to eradicating these pesky bugs from your life is to be one step ahead – that’s why it is key to add NitFlix to your everyday routine, so you don’t have to worry about a lice epidemic in your home.
As always, I welcome your comments.
Happy New Year!