Thoughts and news from Grace.

Lice Treatments 2: Nurse Grace Speaks OUT

Feb 8, 2021 | News

Lice Treatments 2

With all the Lice treatments on the market, why the increase in new lice removal salons across the country?

Could it be that the Lice Treatments are not working as they had in the past? 

Is it that when you are shocked when you find them in your baby’s hair, you just want someone who’s experienced to take control?

Super Lice Outbreak Schools Policies, lice treatments

Thank you, Nurse Grace!
Safe from Lice makes life a lot easier!

Of course, the new Lice  REMOVAL SALONS are a Godsend for some in the high stress moments of lice infestation!

“In feeling the way I do about bugs, I probably would do the same thing.  No doubt, I would shave my head; but would utilize the service for my daughter.” ~Grace, SD, CA

Lice Treatments : Exaggerated Infestation? I don’t think so….

In a May 27, 2011 article, “Cleaning up with lice treatments“, by Jenifer B. McKim, Globe Staff on, reported: “The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates six to 12 million children suffer from lice infestation with NO socio-economic distinction!”

Richard J. Pollack, a research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health, worries about unlicensed practitioners going into homes and diagnosing the existence of lice.
Pollack believes the number of lice infestations is a gross exaggeration–
“because people mistake a spec of dust, dandruff, or a random fly for a louse.”

Did he visit some of these homes to make this wild claim?

As you know, LICE are a gross thing to see, and there is no exaggeration about that, right?

And Pollack remains confident in, over-the-counter and prescription treatments because so much data are available about their safety and efficacy. “Adverse health effects from such products are trivial unless you are an insect,’’ he said.

Is this guy for real?

I bet he believes things like, the pink packets of sweetner are organic and good for you too!

Are you insulted by his comments?

I know I am!

Here’s more double talk of an expert, who obviously hasn’t dealt with LICE in reality!

He also reported:
“In 2009, the F* D* A  warned that shampoos made with the chemical Lindane can cause
seizures and even death, especially among children and babies.”

Despite the concerns, prescription-only treatments containing Lindane remain available in most of the country. The F* D* A says the treatments should be used only when other products are ineffective.

But didn’t he say that if the exaggerated illusion of lice doesn’t get cured by the other ineffective lice treatments, to go ahead and pull out the most potent poison that may kill your child?


Now tell me, do you trust what Richard Pollack has to say?

You think those lice made me mad?

This non-sense of Richard-you’re-exaggerating-so-poison-your-child made me even madder!

That’s why I found a way to naturally get rid of those pests… once and for all.

And, now, you can keep from ever getting them again,  like my daughter and me….

NitFlix: A way with lice-
Lice Free For Life!

If you have lice now, click here.

If you want to make sure you never have them again, click here.

If you need more answers right away, click here!



Like  Lice Treatments 2 and want more keys to awesome lice-free hair?

Senseless Lice Toddler Death

tags: Lice Treatments 2 , Lice Treatments, Natural Lice Treatments 

Did you know that we hired the creators of the world’s finest silicone free company, Belegenza Natural Hair Care,  to make NitFlix? That’s why our customers LOVE their hair more than EVER!


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