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Bart and Rosie Will be on World’s Funniest Animals

Oct 21, 2020 | News

Bart and Rosie will be featured on World’s Funniest Animals. Of course, who doesn’t like animals? And, since there has been a lot of uncertainties in the world with the pandemic; it’s nice to have something to laugh about.

Bart and Rosie

Because my bird and dog have a history of some fun moments; it was exciting that both my pets have been chosen to appear on this fun show.

Indeed, the love both my animals have for each other is apparent. To see my animals, be sure to check out my Amazing Bird Talking to Dog While he Eats video and The Story of the Amazing Bird Talking to Dog While he Eats post.

Indeed, Bart and Rosie are sure to bring a smile to your face. After all, we all love animals and humor.

Bart and Rosie Will be on World’s Funniest Animals

To explain, JunkinMedia is a Company that collects popular videos from Social Media. So, they have a team of people that are scouring the internet when a video is being viewed a lot.

In addition, from Associated Television International, World’s Funniest Animals is  produced by David McKenzie, David Martin, and Laura McKenzie. This show’s host is Elizabeth Stanton along with a celebrity guest panel. In the series, they include viral funny moments of various animal video clips.

Consequently, I was approached and asked if I would be interested in working with them. After learning that JunkinMedia takes videos to the next level – I was hooked.

Moreover, you can submit your videos, and, also companies can view licensed videos to use on their shows such as the World’s Funniest Animals.

In summary, be sure to find this entertaining video of Bart and Rosie on the World’s Funniest Animals. In light of this fun video, you may want to have a fun day dressing up your animals. Be sure to visit our National Dress Up Your Pet Day post.

As always, I welcome your comments on Bart and Rosie. To see Bart and Rosie; be sure to see Episode 2. Are you watching the World’s Funniest Videos?


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Bart and Rosie Will be on World's Funniest Animals
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